In 1969, the Westchester Team captured the Golf Illustrated Trophy. From the left: Mrs. Harry Day, Mrs. Alex Munro, Mrs. O.W. Waring, Mrs. Allison Choate, Mrs. Albert Bower, Mrs. Arthur Flash, Mrs. Manny Doppelt, and Mrs. Sophie Untermeyer. Not pictured: Mrs. E. K. Finch.
Golf Illustrated
Team matches among the three WMGA districts were first held in 1919. The format was a three-way match play Nassau, and since it was so well-received, the then-WMGA President, Mrs. Charles Uebelacker, decided it should be an annual event. The matches continued to grow in popularity, and then in 1921, Golf Illustrated donated a trophy for the winning team, and in so doing, gave the competition its name.
The Long Island team won the first competition for the Golf Illustrated Trophy in 1922, a feat it has repeated 27 additional times. Westchester has captured the trophy 28 times, while New Jersey teams can claim 39 victories.
Originally, teams were composed of 15 members with handicaps of 12 or below. In 1925, the number of players per team was reduced to ten, with one alternate, and it remains at that level today. Players are selected by the District Captains; the only requirement is that they have been members of the WMGA for one year prior to their selection. The competition is generally held in May and is played, on a rotating basis, in each of the three districts.